What Are Long Tail Keywords?

What are long tail keywords? Simply put, it is a keyword phrase that contains three words or more. However, some will say that two or more is considered to be long tailed. The main function of a long tail keyword is to target a specific topic or niche rather than target large mass audiences. As a result of the more defined targeting, the competition is generally less competitive than when you use a generic, one word keyword. For example, “pizza” would be your generic keyword. It is very broad and has well over a million results. You want a more narrow search than ‘over a million’, so using “deep dish pizza” will help you locate the pizzeria which has the type of pizza you like more easily by narrowing down your search with more specific details.

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Long Tail Keywords Are A Better Way To Connect With Customers

Now that you have a better understanding, you can now start to understand how it will help you connect with customers. Since long tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases, this means the visitor is already closer to their point-of-purchase. For example, if you business sells antique furniture, then you are never going to win the organic search for furniture. This is due to the fact that there is way too much traffic for a generic keyword such as “furniture”. However, using a long tail keyword such as “mint condition antique furniture” will provide you with searches from customers looking for your specific specialty. Think about it, if you google the word “furniture”(an extremely broad keyword) the chances are you won’t be found. Long tail keywords are very helpful to target specific customers.

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